
Classy-Prelude (head . head)

I'm trying to convert several projects to classy-prelude at the moment. While most behaviour seems quite straightforward to me, the (head . head) gives mysterious errors on a simple 2D list.

Consider the following GHCi session:

Prelude> (head . head) [[1,2],[3,4]]

Let's try this with ghci -XNoImplicitPrelude and classy-prelude:

> import ClassyPrelude
ClassyPrelude> (head . head) [[1,2],[3,4]]

    Couldn't match type `MinLen (Succ nat1) mono1' with `[[t0]]'
    Expected type: [[t0]] -> Element mono0
      Actual type: MinLen (Succ nat1) mono1 -> Element mono0
    The function `head . head' is applied to one argument,
    but its type `MinLen (Succ nat1) mono1 -> Element mono0'
    has only one
    In the expression: (head . head) [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    In an equation for `it': it = (head . head) [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

I assume GHC simply can't resolve the types for multidimensional lists correctly. Is there any way I can help it without resorting to (Prelude.head . Prelude.head)?


  • As already mentioned in the comments, classy prelude's head function only works on traversables which are guarranted to have at least one element by the type-system, so that it doesn't have to be partial. Because all your lists have at minimum one element, you can just use the non-empty list type:

    head . head $ mlcons (mlcons 1 $ mlcons 2 $ toMinLenZero []) $ mlcons (mlcons 3 $ mlcons 4 $ toMinLenZero []) $ toMinLenZero [] :: Int
    -- 1

    (The functions starting with ml are all from the MinLen module of mono-traversable, which is reexported by classy-prelude)

    If you just want the behaviour of the Prelude.head function, you can use unsafeHead again from the mono-traversable package and exported by default:

    unsafeHead . unsafeHead [[1,2],[3,4]]
    -- 1

    There is also headMay in that module, which can be used if you like to handle failure differently and not crash the whole program.