Normally Specs2 sugared Mockito verifications are checked and fails the test when appropriate. However in some instances they are ignored.
Normally this test verification fails as expected as myApp called myService at least once.
import org.specs2.mock.Mockito._
class MySpec extends Specification with Mockito {
"MyApp" should {
"blow up" in WithApplication {
val myService = mock[MyService]
val myApp = new MyApp(myService)
there was no(myService).doSomethingElse
(Note WithApplication is a Play! Framework thing)
However as I have hamfisted Cake Pattern traits into my components my tests look like this.
class MySpec extends Specification with Mockito {
"MyApp" should {
"blow up" in WithApplication with MockRegistry {
val myApp = new MyApp(myService)
there was no(myService).doSomethingElse
where MockRegistry looks something like this
trait MockRegistry extends Mockito with MyServiceComponent {
val myService = mock[MyService]
My Cake patterned test does not fail verification, ever. I can change this to anything and they all get ignored.
there was no(myService).doSomethingElse
there was one(myService).doSomethingElse
there was two(myService).doSomethingElse
However by replacing the sugared mockito step with a direct call to the java methods it does fail when appropriate.
import org.mockito.Mockito._
verify(myService, times(1)).doSomethingElse
So it seems involving traits on the test method seems to have properly confused Mockito.
That's because the Mockito
extension of MockRegistry
doesn't know that exceptions needs to be thrown in case of failure. But the Mockito
on Specification
does because Specification
has the ThrownExpectations
trait mixed-in.
So you can either removed the Mockito
extension from MockRegistry
or add ThrownExpectations
to it:
trait MockRegistry extends MyServiceComponent {
val myService = mock(classOf[MyService])
// or
import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations
trait MockRegistry extends MyServiceComponent with ThrownExpectations {
val myService = mock(classOf[MyService])