
CSPack and CSRun for running site in azure emulator from powershell

I have spend some time trying to get the cspack and csrun command working to run a website locally in the azure emulator. So far this is what I get, but its not working I use psake

Task StartAzureEmulator { 
& 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\.NET SDK\v2.2\bin\cspack' sitename.azure\ServiceDefinition.csdef /out:Sitename.csx /role:sitename;sitename /sites:Vola;Web;Web /copyOnly
& 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Emulator\csrun' sitename.csx sitename.Azure\ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg /useiisexpress /launchbrowser

Basically I am not very impressed with how the azure commandline tools works with powershell. Has anyone got example of this working?


  • In PowerShell the ; character is a statement separator. You can escape it by preceding it with a backtick or if you are V3 or higher you can user --% to switch PowerShell into a simpler (dumber) parser mode. Try this:

    Task StartAzureEmulator { 
        & 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\.NET SDK\v2.2\bin\cspack' --% sitename.azure\ServiceDefinition.csdef /out:Sitename.csx /role:sitename;sitename /sites:Vola;Web;Web /copyOnly
        & 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Emulator\csrun' --% sitename.csx sitename.Azure\ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg /useiisexpress /launchbrowser