I am new to Python so please explain thoroughly when you respond to me.
I want my code to measure the time the player lasts before his cursor touches the bouncing ball on the screen but the time I'm obtaining is the sum of all the seconds since the first time the command was initialized. I need the program to stop counting seconds when the user ends the game and begin afresh when the play again option is chosen.
I would also like a way to make the player qualify for the next level without using the detection of the position of the mouse since that is making the program code logic incorrect.
here is my code:
import pygame,sys
from pygame.locals import*
from pygame import *
import random
def main():
# set up sounds
# import pygame
#gameOverSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('gameover.wav')
#from pygame import *
#import random
#pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, 16, 2, 4096)
#background = image.load('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\oearth.png')
ballpic = image.load('ball1.png')
#find a way to include verification of more than one colour key
# to add more than one shape....pending
numballs = 10
delay = 5
done = False
balls = []
stars = []
#generate an if loop for execution of both the parts
k = 2
screen = display.set_mode((640, 480))
display.set_caption('mouse game by shivangi and ananya')
#pygame.time.Clock() Creates a Clock object (assign this to a name), which you can then call the tick() method on
#to find out how much time has passed since the last time you called tick()
#pygame.time.delay(milliseconds) Pauses game for time specified
#pygame.time.get_ticks() Returns the number of milliseconds passed since pygame.init() was #called
for count in range(numballs):
balls[count] = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'xmove': random.randint(1, 2), 'ymove': random.randint(1, 2)}
screen = display.set_mode((640, 480)) #####screen = display.set_mode((640,480),FULLSCREEN,32).....check functioning...
#[(800, 600), (1280, 1024), (1280, 960), (1280, 800), (1280, 768), (1280, 720),
#(1152, 864), (1088, 612), (1024, 768), (960, 600), (848, 480), (800, 600),
#(720, 576), (720, 480), (640, 480), (640, 400), (512, 384), (480, 360), (400, 300),
#(320, 240), (320, 200), (640, 480)]
while done == False:
for count in range(numballs):
screen.blit(ballpic, (balls[count]['x'], balls[count]['y']))
for count in range(numballs):
balls[count]['x'] = balls[count]['x'] + balls[count]['xmove']
balls[count]['y'] = balls[count]['y'] + balls[count]['ymove']
for count in range(numballs):
if balls[count]['x'] > 620:
balls[count]['xmove'] = random.randint(-2, 0)
if balls[count]['x'] < -10:
balls[count]['xmove'] = random.randint(0, 6)
if balls[count]['y'] > 470:
balls[count]['ymove'] = random.randint(-9, 0)
if balls[count]['y'] < -10:
balls[count]['ymove'] = random.randint(0, 5)
for e in event.get():
if e.type == KEYUP:
if e.key == K_ESCAPE:
done = True
if screen.get_at((mouse.get_pos())) == (227,209,43):
done = True
if done == True:
sec = time.get_ticks()/1000
while sec < k:
print "you lasted for only",sec,"seconds...try again to qualify for the next level..."
time_lasted = 0
while sec >= k:
starpic = image.load('star.png')
#find a way to include verification of more than one colour key...PENDING
numstars = 30
delay = 8
done = False
stars = []
for count in range(numstars):
stars[count] = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'xmove': random.randint(1, 2), 'ymove': random.randint(1, 2)}
screen = display.set_mode((640, 480))
display.set_caption('mouse game')
while done == False:
for count in range(numstars):
screen.blit(starpic, (stars[count]['x'], stars[count]['y']))
for count in range(numstars):
stars[count]['x'] = stars[count]['x'] + stars[count]['xmove']
stars[count]['y'] = stars[count]['y'] + stars[count]['ymove']
for count in range(numstars):
if stars[count]['x'] > 620:
stars[count]['xmove'] = random.randint(-2, 0)
if stars[count]['x'] < -10:
stars[count]['xmove'] = random.randint(0, 2)
if stars[count]['y'] > 470:
stars[count]['ymove'] = random.randint(-2, 0)
if stars[count]['y'] < -10:
stars[count]['ymove'] = random.randint(0, 2)
for e in event.get():
if e.type == KEYUP:
if e.key == K_ESCAPE:
done = True
if screen.get_at((mouse.get_pos())) == (255,255,255,255):
done = True
if done == True:
time_lasted = time.get_ticks()/1000
#sec = time.update()
#time_lasted = time.update()
#correction of time error to be done....pending....
print "You lasted for", sec, "seconds in the first level!"
print "\n"
print "you lasted for",time_lasted,"in the second level!"
print "\n"
print "your total score is :", int(sec) + int(time_lasted)
print "\n"
print "game over...! Thank you for playing!! :D :P :)"
x = 1
x = raw_input("Do you want to play again?")
while x.upper() in ['YES','Y']:
x = raw_input("Do you want to play again?")
while x.upper() in ['NO','N']:
# when player starts game
start = time.get_ticks()
# during game
current = time.get_ticks()
time_you_played = (current - start)/1000
Timer to count seconds.
class Timer():
def __init__(self):
self._start = 0
def start(self):
self._start = pygame.time.get_ticks()
def current(self):
return (pygame.time.get_ticks() - self._start)/1000
Example - how to use:
import pygame
# add class Timer here
t = Timer()
t.start() # start or restart timer
pygame.time.wait(3000) # for test only
print t.current() # print seconds
pygame.time.wait(2000) # for test only
print t.current() # print seconds
You don't have to stop timer because you can use start()
to restart timer.