I am trying to get all leaf stories from under my default project in Rally and copy the iteration value of each story (if it exists) to a custom field. Here's my code.
_update_dIteration_for_all_leaves: function(){
console.log("Working on dIteration for all leaves");
var me = this;
var query = Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.QueryFilter',{property: '_TypeHierarchy', operator: '=', value: "HierarchicalRequirement"});
query.and(Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.QueryFilter',{property: 'Children', operator: '=', value: null}));
query.and(Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.QueryFilter',{property: '__At', operator: '=', value: 'current'}));
autoLoad: true,
context: this.getContext(),
// tried context:{workspace: this.getContext().getWorkspace(), project: this.getContext().getProject()} but doesn't work.
filters: query,
listeners: {
load: function(store,data,success){
console.log("How many leaf stories? ",data.length);
var configs = [];
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i].data.Iteration!=null && data[i].data.Iteration!=""){
console.log('data iteration ', data[i].data.Iteration);
model: "Iteration",
fetch: ['Name','ObjectID'],
filters: [{property: 'ObjectID', operator: '=', value: data[i].data.Iteration}],
storyid: data[i].data.ObjectID
console.log('configs length ',configs);
async.map(configs, me.wsapiQuery, function(err,results){
// console.log('len ',results);
for(var i=0;i<results.length;i++){
//var ObjectID = results[i].get('ObjectID');
var name = results[i].get('Name');
console.log("Name of iteration "+name+" ID of story "+configs[i].storyid);
scope: this
I am not able to add context to this query and not able to get leaf stories only from the current project I am in. Also tried adding Query fiter as:
{property: '_ProjectHierarchy',operator: 'in', value: this.getContext().getProject().ObjectID}
Although I am not sure if _ProjectHierarchy would be the right way to do it, but it still doesn't work.
Using _ProjectHierarchy will not scope query to a single project, but will scope it to a project and its child projects. Try Lookback API queries directly in the browser to see the difference. For example, in my environment, the first query that uses "_ProjectHierarchy":{"$in":[14020168984]}
returns TotalResultCount: 229, but the second query that uses "Project":14020168984
returns TotalResultCount: 128
You may append &fetch=["Project"]
to those queries to see that the second query only returns stories from one project.