I'm cooking a cocos2d-iphone(v2.1) project with jsbindings. The cocos2d view running main.js in my UIKit view works properly. Now I want to add a new feature to show different animation by user input.
I want to know how to pass values to the js file in objective-c.
I think I found a solution.
In jsb_core.h
, there is a method called: -(BOOL) evalString:(NSString*)string outVal:(jsval*)outVal;
. With this method, I can call functions in my main.js
from my objective-c code.
So I defined a function in my main.js
function test(values) {
Then I can call it from my objective-c code like this:
CCDirectorIOS *director = (CCDirectorIOS *)[CCDirector sharedDirector];
if(director.runningScene) {
[[JSBCore sharedInstance] evalString:@"test('ValueToPass');" outVal:nil];