Am I missing something obvious? This works fine:
kernelMatrix(rbfdot(1), c(1,2,3))
An object of class "kernelMatrix"
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1.00000000 0.3678794 0.01831564
[2,] 0.36787944 1.0000000 0.36787944
[3,] 0.01831564 0.3678794 1.00000000
But neither of these work, they just return nothing:
kernelMatrix(polydot(1), c(1,2,3))
kernelMatrix(vanilladot(), c(1,2,3))
I am using kernlab_0.9-19 (the latest).
It's not supposed to work with a vector, try kernelMatrix(polydot(1), as.matrix(c(1,2,3)))