
How to search XML Tags based on a dynamic Variable value using XPathDocument?

Below mentioned is a part of my XML:

sVariableValue = "UniqueID02"

            <CommentDesc>Some comments</CommentDesc> 
            <CommentDesc>Some Comments....</CommentDesc> 

I want to get the details of all the nodes under Comment section, but which section to select will be decided by value of (sVariableValue). In the above example as the value in 'sVariableValue = UniqueID02', I want to fetch all the tags and their values under Comment section where the CommentID = UniqueID02 using XPathDocument.

Can someone guide how to achieve the same using VB.net?


  • Here is one way.

    Private Sub ReadComment()
        Dim oDoc As XPathDocument
        Dim oNav As XPathNavigator
        Dim oComment As XPathNavigator
        Dim oChild As XPathNavigator
        Dim sVariableValue = "UniqueID02"
        Dim oElem As XElement = <ParentNode>
                                        <CommentDesc>Some comments</CommentDesc>
                                        <CommentDesc>Some Comments....</CommentDesc>
        Using oSr As New StringReader(oElem.ToString)
            oDoc = New XPathDocument(oSr)
            oNav = oDoc.CreateNavigator
            oComment = oNav.SelectSingleNode("child::ParentNode/Comment[CommentId='" & sVariableValue & "']")
            If Not oComment Is Nothing Then
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::CommentId")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::CommentDesc")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::CommentTypeCd")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::CreatedDt")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::CreatedByUserId")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::GivenName")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
                oChild = oComment.SelectSingleNode("child::Surname")
                If Not oChild Is Nothing Then
                End If
            End If
        End Using
    End Sub