By default NSMetaDataQuery
results notifications are received on the main thread. It seems you have to call query.startQuery
on the main thread, but you can use [query.setOperationQueue:]
to set the queue to which results notifications will be sent.
Ideally I want a background thread to be receiving these results and processing them and depending on what files are found, I will set variables or post notifications to the main thread.
What I don't understand is how I create the operational queue and how I process the notification on this queue. Sample code for whatever classes are required and details of where and how they should be created would be great. I have read the Apple docs but can't get my head around how you create a queue that can process notifications.
You can try to use this code to process notifications in background thread:
NSMetadataQuery *query = [NSMetadataQuery new];
[query enableUpdates];
// Subscribe to query updates and process then in background thread
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:
object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue new]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification __strong *notification)
// disable the query while iterating
[query disableUpdates];
for (NSMetadataItem *item in query.results)
//do here everything you want with the results
//e.g. get values with [item valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemFSNameKey];
[query enableUpdates];
[query startQuery];
Just for the tip:
[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] // added operations execute on the main thread
[NSOperationQueue new] // iOS 4 and higher - guaranteed to be on the background thread
P.S to process first results you should subscribe to NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification
- it will be posted when the receiver has finished with the initial result-gathering phase of the query and for all subsequent updates you should subscribe to NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification
as in my example because as you know queries have two phases: the initial gathering phase that collects all currently matching results and a second live-update phase.