
Strange, Sudden compiler fail error in Xcode for iPhone dev

What is the following error caused by? I did not make any significant changes and suddenly it started appearing:

Linking /Users/JimB/Desktop/iPhone Dev/Games4Kids/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ETFanClub.app/Games4Kids(1 error)

duplicate symbol .objc_category_nameNSString_HTTPExtensions in (path)ViewController3 and (path)ViewController1

Command /Xcode 3.1.4/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1


  • The symbol .objc_category_nameNSString_HTTPExtensions is duplicated, meaning the category NSString(HTTPExtensions) is declared twice ViewController3 and ViewController1.

    Check that you don't have @implementation's in the headers #import-ed by both of these files, and they don't both have @implementation NSString(HTTPExtensions) simultaneously.