
Subtract days from a date field(mm/dd/yyy) excluding weekends jquery

How can I subtract days from a date field?


Date Value is 03/10/2014 (mm/dd/yy),

I want to be able to subtract 6 weedays from it to get 03/03/2014

Can someone please help me get this.

Fiddle: to add 6 weekdays and disable all previous date values... From this fiddle whatever date is selected 6 weekdays must be subtracted from it.

i.e $("#txtFromDate").val() - 6 weekdays http://jsfiddle.net/7DHVr/8/

Thanks in advance


  •  var count = 10;
        //Add the 2 days of weekend in numer of days .
        var d = new Date();
        count = count + (parseInt(count/5))*2;
        d.setDate(d.getDate() -count);
        //suppose its ending on weekend day then increment them manually.
        if(d.getDay() == 6 ) d.setDate(d.getDate() -1); 
        if(d.getDay() == 0){ d.setDate(d.getDate() - 2);}; 

    it will substract all weekend day from whatever you want to substract day dynamically