I developed a browser game using Craftyjs, but I noticed that it doesn´t work on tablets even using browser there.
Something strange happens as, the first click I make in the game from 7 options I have, always works fine, but the second click never works.
My question is: What can I do in order to make Craftyjs generated buttons to work in tablets (Android and iPad).
Here I have some example buttons:
btnLearn = Crafty.e "HTML"
btnLearn.attr x: 70, y: 527, w: 407, h: 54
btnLearn.replace """<div id="learn-mode" class="temple-learn">#{__("NEW SKILL")}</div>"""
btnScroll = Crafty.e "HTML"
btnScroll.attr x: 500, y: 527, w: 407, h: 54
btnScroll.replace """<div id="scroll-mode" class="temple-scroll temple-learscroll">#{__("USE SCROLL")}</div>"""
registry = Crafty.e "HTML"
registry.attr {x: 356, y: 504, w: 243, h: 68}
registry.replace """<div id="btn-tower-registry" class="new-btn-golden block-center"><span>#{__("REGISTER")}</span></div>"""
$("#btn-tower-registry").click( ->
# Premium dialog
if window.profile_data.objects[0].premium
preloadScene(CFG.ASSETS_REGISTRY_STUDENT, -> Crafty.scene "registry")
Hope it helps.
This should have been solved in the version 0.6.1 of Crafty.js.
You can install the newest version the easiest with bower:
bower install crafty