
No create XHTML option in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse Kepler,version=4.3.0(tried with version=3.7.0 also).I tried using javax.faces-2.2.5.jar and javax.faces-2.2.1.jar.

Steps that i am following : File -> New -> Dynamic Web Project -> Dynamic web module version - 2.5(tried with 3.0 also),Configuration - JavaServerFaces v1.2Project -> Next -> Next -> Next -> JSF implementation Library - Added javax.faces-2.2.5.jar -> Finish.

After the project got created : Right Click on project name -> Properties -> Project facets : Dynamic Web Module - 2.5 Java - 1.5 Javascript - 1.0 Java Server faces - 1.2

I even did : Window > Preferences > General > Content Types > Text > JSP and then add *.xhtml as file association and set default encoding to UTF-8.

Also, did Help -> Check for updates and updated eclipse.

After doing all this , when i do Right Click on Web Content -> New ,there is no option for creating XHTML pages.

Please suggest if i am missing something.


  • Answering my own question as i found the solution :

    I am now getting the option to create XHTML pages. Steps that i followed :

    Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Find(Jboss) -> Jboss tools(Kepler)4.1.1 Final. After installing this, i am getting the option to create XHTML pages.