Does anyone have a cheatsheet for LightTable, even better for the paredit plugin, it seems my google-fu is not up to finding one?
I don't think a general cheat sheet for LightTable exists yet! But for the paredit plugin...I hope the following helps
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b c | d e)
(a b (c | d) e) => (a (b c | d))
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b (c | d e))
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b c | (d) e)
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b (c) | d e)
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b (c d)| e)
(a b (c | d) e) => (a b |(c d) e)
(a b | (c d) e) => (a b (|c d) e)
(a b (c d) | e) => (a b (c d|) e)
To bind the keys, first open user keymap (Settings: User Keymap), and then add binding entries in for the editors in which you want paredit bindings.
e.g. I have them bound in all editors, so the relevant bit of my keymap is:
{:+ {:app { ...}
:editor { ...
"ctrl-shift-right" [:paredit.grow.right]
"ctrl-shift-left" [:paredit.shrink.right]
"ctrl-right" [:paredit.shrink.left]
"ctrl-left" [:paredit.grow.left]}}
:- {}}