
How to slow down fade speed of nextGen gallery plugin

I'd like to modify the speed that the photos fade in and out of a basic slideshow of the NextGen gallery plugin for wordpress. I know there is a setting to change how often the pictures change, however, I'd like to slow the actual fade down.

I'm guessing I need to modify the jQuery but I'm having a hard time finding the file where this speed is set.

Edit: I am using version 2.0.40 if this matters.


  • in, \wp-content\plugins\nextgen-gallery\nggfunctions.php,

    after 'fx:"'.$ngg_options['slideFx'] . '",' . (Line 129) ,

    Add 'speed: 1000,' .

    This is where it generates the options for the cycle plugin.

    Update: For NextGen v2

    The slideshow settings are saved in the database. So whatever you do in the files will have no effect. And the plugin is loading jquery.cycle.all.min.js by default. Editing jquery.cycle.all.js is not going to do anything. So edit the minified file,search for speed:1e3 and change the value.

    NOTE: Editing the jquery.cycle.all.min.js file will affect the site-wise transition speed. If you need individual speed setting for each slideshows, you need to customize the back-end to add another field from the code level.

    Hope this helps.