function myFunc(arg1, arg2) {
if (arguments.length < 2) { // Only one argument received
arg1 = "Default"; // Set arg1 to some default value
arg2 = arguments[0]; // Use the first argument passed for arg2
return [arg1, arg2];
myFunc("Hello", "World"); //=> ["Hello", "World"]
// So far, so good. Now let's try one that uses the default value for arg1:
myFunc("World"); //=> ["Default", "Default"]
What the heck, JavaScript? What's going on here? Why does JavaScript behave this way?
You are overwriting your first argument before using its value:
arg1 = "Default"; // Set arg1 to some default value
arg2 = arguments[0]; // Use the first argument passed for arg2
So the value of arg2
is set to the value "Default" rather than the original value.