
RabbitMQ - Random queues with name "amq.gen-*" getting autogenerated

I have a set up to send messages to durable queues from server (NodeJS) and the client (android app) listens to messages on their respective queues (each android device listens to its corresponding queue which is unique).

As per the RabbitMQ document, when we try to connect to a queue with empty name (i.e "") then RabbitMQ generates a random queue with name starting with "amq.gen-". But, no where from the client or server code I see that I am trying to connect to a queue with empty name but still see lot of random queues getting generated.

Can anyone help me in understanding what other scenarios might create random queues with name "amq.gen-*"?


  • If you are creating queue with blank name a random queue name amq.gen-* will be generated. If you are connecting to queue with blank name then, depending of method, last declared on this channel queue name will be used. If no queue was declared or method doesn't support blank queue name error will be thrown.

    See queue.declare method and domain.queue-name domain documentation for details.