
Farmer goat wolf and cabbage in Prolog via Breadth First Search

I am trying to solve the The Farmer, Goat, Wolf, Cabbage riddle in Prolog using the Breadth First technique and I am running into some issues. When I try to gather all the valid combinations for the second level of the tree it fails. Here is the relevant code,

extend([Node|Path], NewPaths) :-
    bagof([NewNode, Node|Path],
        (s(Node, NewNode), not(member(NewNode, [Node|Path]))),
extend(Path, []).

s(state(X,X,W,C), state(Y,Y,W,C))
    :- opp(X,Y), not(unsafe(state(Y,Y,W,C))).
s(state(X,G,X,C), state(Y,G,Y,C))
    :- opp(X,Y), not(unsafe(state(Y,G,Y,C))). 
s(state(X,G,W,X), state(Y,G,W,Y))
    :- opp(X,Y), not(unsafe(state(Y,G,W,Y))).
s(state(X,G,W,C), state(Y,G,W,C))
    :- opp(X,Y), not(unsafe(state(Y,G,W,C))).
s(state(F,G,W,C), state(F,G,W,C))
    :- fail.


unsafe(state(X,Y,Y,C)) :- opp(X,Y).
unsafe(state(X,Y,W,Y)) :- opp(X,Y).

not(P) :-
    P, !, fail

The extend predicate is where I am seeing the issues. When I run it on the first level, it works fine,

?- extend([state(e,e,e,e)],[X]).
X = [state(w,w,e,e),state(e,e,e,e)]

When I run the second level, it fails,

?- extend([state(w,w,e,e)],[X]).

It should return something like the following,

X = [state(e,w,e,e),state(w,w,e,e),state(e,e,e,e)]

Thanks in advance for all your help, as it is much appreciated.




  • If I query your code I get

    ?- extend([state(w,w,e,e)],X).
    X = [[state(e, e, e, e), state(w, w, e, e)], [state(e, w, e, e), state(w, w, e, e)]]

    X is a list of lists. Then I simplified the extend/2 predicate,

    extend([Node|Path], [Node|NewPaths]) :-
            (s(Node, NewNode), not(member(NewNode, Path))),

    and I get

    ?- extend([state(w,w,e,e)],X).
    X = [state(w, w, e, e), state(e, e, e, e), state(e, w, e, e)].

    Note that I'm not using [X] querying extend/2.

    BTW this clause is useless

    s(state(F,G,W,C), state(F,G,W,C))
        :- fail.