I cann't get it to work, seems like tweened objects don't fire the 'Moved' event?
I'm tweening a object across the screen, and need to check if it collided with the player (that flies up and down by the keyboard events). It works if I append the check on 'Moved' for the player, but what if the player stands still :-)
So I need to check when the tweened objects moves if it hit the player
Does not fire any of the events:
// astroid
Crafty.e('astroid, 2D, DOM, Color, Tween, Collision')
.attr({ x: 600, y: 550, w: 50, h: 200 })
.tween({ x: -50 }, 4000)
.bind('Moved', function () {
if (this.hit('player1')) {
console.log('player hit 1');
.onHit('player', function () {
console.log('player hit 2');
Updated :
I am using little plugin
Here ,collisions($div1, $div2)
function interval() {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (collisions($('.player1'), $('.astroid'))) {
}, 25);
May this was helpful ...