
Why can I not read my table although it is listed by dbListTables?

I am trying to read a table into R using RPostgreSQL and R v2.14.2.
My version of RPostgreSQL is listed as 0.3-2, downloaded 16-May-2012.
My version of DBI is listed as 0.2-5, downloaded 16-May-2012.

I can open the database, and list the tables. The table I want to open is clearly present, however, when I try to read it, I get an error message. I am unsure if the error is in my code or in the way the database is set up.

# Loading required package: DBI  
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")  
con <- dbConnect(drv, host = 'freda.freda.com', dbname = 'test', user = 'fredak', password = 'xxxx')  

# [1] "chemistry”                                               
# [2] "ecog”  
# [3] "hematology"                                        

dbExistsTable(con, "ecog")  
# [1] FALSE

MyTable <- dbReadTable(con, "ecog")    
# Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) :  
#   RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR:  relation "ecog" does not exist  
# LINE 1: SELECT * from "ecog"  
#                       ^  
# )  
# Error in names(out) <- make.names(names(out), unique = TRUE) :   
#   attempt to set an attribute on NULL  
# In addition: Warning message:  
# In postgresqlQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...) :  
#   Could not create executeSELECT * from "ecog"


  • If wanting to interact with a table that's in a named schema, use the following (unintuitive) syntax:

    dbExistsTable(con, c("schema_name", "table_name"))
    [1] TRUE

    This works despite dbListTables(con) returning all table names without their associated schemas.