
How to use Pan Gestures

Im a beginner programmer with Xcode 5 and was attempting to write code to allow a user to move a image with input from the users touch.

So far, I believe that my code is correct but i believe I'm missing something as the UIImage refuses move. Although when attempt to test it with NSLog I don't get a response which shows it working. My guess it that I have to make a custom class for the image and if so would I do this and how would I link it.

For example

  @implementation StartPage
  - (IBAction)HandlePan:(UIGestureRecognizer *)sender; {
  NSLog(@"panning"); //Testing to check if the image moves when touched by user.

  CGPoint NetTranslation ;
  CGPoint Translation =
 [(UIPanGestureRecognizer *) sender translationInView: _Imageview ];

  sender.view.transform=CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation (

  NetTranslation.x += Translation.x,
  NetTranslation.y += Translation.y);
  enter code here
  if(sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded)
   NetTranslation.x += Translation.x;
   NetTranslation.y += Translation.y;



  • If your HandlePan method is not called check that your _Imageview has user interactions enabled:

    _Imageview.userInteractionEnabled = YES