
Proxies, type level symbols, and JSON

I'm trying to add automagical json parsing to Data.Vinyl

Here is an instance for FromJSON for records with exactly one element.

It almost works, but I can't satisfy the KnownSymbol constraint, it seems to auto generate a new type variable on me.

instance (KnownSymbol sym, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (PlainRec '[ sym ::: a ]) where
    parseJSON (Object v) = (field =:) <$> (v .: json_name)
        where field = Field :: (sym ::: a)
              json_name = T.pack $ show field

The error is

Could not deduce (KnownSymbol sym0) arising from a use of ‛show’
from the context (KnownSymbol sym, FromJSON a)

More context http://lpaste.net/101005

If I replace all instances of sym with "name", it works, and runs and it is wonderful. Now, I could use template Haskell to generate all the instances ahead of time, since I have a closed list of field names that I'll actually use, but that seems like such a shame. I know next to nothing about Data.Proxy, having just seen in used to define the show instance for the records of Data.Proxy.


  • You just have to enable ScopedTypeVariables.