To ensure people don't append random query parameters (e.g. appending &r=234522.123
or similar) to avoid hitting our cache I want to have a way to reject any queries that are not handled explicitly. I can of course create one that contains a whitelist, but that would have to be separately maintained and I hate maintaining two things that needs to stay in synch. (Though, it would aid in failing faster.) Is this possible with Spray routing?
I ended up with this:
// This contains a white-list of allowed query parameters. This is useful to
// ensure people don't try to use &r=234234 to bust your caches.
def allowedParameters(params: String*): Directive0 = parameterSeq.flatMap {
case xs =>
val illegal = xs.collect {
case (k, _) if !params.contains(k) => k
if (illegal.nonEmpty)
reject(ValidationRejection("Illegal query parameters: " + illegal.mkString("", ", ", "\nAllowed ones are: ") + params.mkString(", ")))
For usage, have a look at the unit tests:
val allowedRoute = {
allowedParameters("foo", "bar") {
"Allowed Parameter Directive" should "reject parameters not in its whitelist" in {
Get("/?foo&bar&quux") ~> allowedRoute ~> check {
handled should equal(false)
rejection should be(ValidationRejection("Illegal query parameters: quux\nAllowed ones are: foo, bar"))
it should "allow properly sorted parameters through" in {
Get("/?bar&foo") ~> allowedRoute ~> check {
handled should equal(true)
responseAs[String] should equal("OK")