I am using vestal version to try and compare two versions of the same model. In order to do this. I need to access the two instances of the model i am trying to compare. I have tried the following code:
@schedule = Schedule.last
@latest_version_model = @schedule.versions.last
@2nd_to_latest_version_of_model = @latest_version_model-1
I know this is wrong. @latest_version_model returns the number version, not the actual object. @ 2nd_to_latest_version_of_model returns an error. How do I access the latest version of the model instance and the 2nd latest version of the model instance?
The method last
could take an argument. If you call last(2)
you get the 2 latest elements, so doing last(2).first
you will get the second latest element.
@schedule = Schedule.last
@latest_version_model = @schedule.versions.last
@2nd_to_latest_version_of_model = @schedule.versions.last(2).first