
how to change the number of visible items in Elastislide vertical carousel

i'm using Elastislide vertical carousel from here


and this is the vertical one


I've changed the height of the carousel and the height of the < li > items inside it to display 4 items not 3 but after clicking any of the navigation arrows it keeps moving only 3 items not 4 and changed the dafault options of the js code from 3 to 4

$.Elastislide.defaults = {
    // orientation 'horizontal' || 'vertical'
    orientation : 'vertical',
    // sliding speed
    speed : 500,
    // sliding easing
    easing : 'ease-in-out',
    // the minimum number of items to show. 
    // when we resize the window, this will make sure minItems are always shown 
    // (unless of course minItems is higher than the total number of elements)
    minItems : 4,
    // index of the current item (left most item of the carousel)
    start : 0,
    // click item callback
    onClick : function( el, position, evt ) { return false; },
    onReady : function() { return false; },
    onBeforeSlide : function() { return false; },
    onAfterSlide : function() { return false; }


  • you can change it from here :

    minItems : 6, //or any vlue you want to show