I'm using OpenIMPI library for managing Shelf Manager (Pigeon Point ShMM-500) After creatinf domain and verifying all connection arguments setup_done_handler returns an error
I'm using OpenIPMI macroses for decoding error. This error is RMCP+ error, and real error code is
That error occures after sending RMCP+ Open Session Request and getting RMCP+ Open Session Response
This error occures not permanent and the multiple rebooting of Shelf Manager can solve this problem, but sometimes I need 10 or 15 reboots before I will be succesfully connected to ShMM.
Does somebody know, what that error means? Thanks in advance.
The connection can be established only by proper using of connection method.
Early, I used a method
with specific setup args. Now I'm using the concreate method
And it works all time.
Hope, that it will be helpfully for someone.