
Overwrite the ancient OSX builtin version of tidy

So I've got OSX Mavericks and I want to use the Sublimelinter for HTML5, however the built in OSX tidy is some old 2006 package. I did some surfing and figured out I had to just

$ brew install --HEAD tidy

that all said and done. I also did the linking:

$ brew unlink tidy && brew link tidy

but I'm still getting HTML linting errors for my HTML5 code.

$ tidy -v
HTML Tidy for Mac OS X released on 31 October 2006 - Apple Inc. build 15.12

I don't see what I'm doing wrong here, I figured the unlinking and linking would overwrite the OSX tidy version with the newer homebrew one.


  • Make sure that the brew tidy is actually used by Sublime (thus, its path is in the $PATH variable of sublime and before the OS X default one (which is located in /usr/bin).

    Probably the OS X (let's better say bash) $PATH was adjusted by homebrew, but not Sublime's one.