
Phonegap TTS Plugin Android not working

I am using the TTS Plugin from But the plugin does not seem to work. It does not even initialize.

Installed the plugin like below (PHONEGAP 3.3 )

phonegap plugin add
phonegap build android

Added the following in the phonegap config.xml

<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts" value="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts"/>

Added the following code in my javascript

window.plugins.tts.startup(startupWin, fail);
function startupWin(result) {
    console.log("Startup win");
    // When result is equal to STARTED we are ready to play
    if (result == TTS.STARTED) {
        window.plugins.tts.getLanguage(win, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.speak("The text to speech service is ready");
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("en_US", function() {
            addLang("en_US", "English (American)");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("en_GB", function() {
            addLang("en_GB", "English (UK)");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("fr", function() {
            addLang("fr", "French");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("de", function() {
            addLang("de", "German");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("it", function() {
            addLang("it", "Italian");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("es", function() {
            addLang("es", "Spanish");
        }, fail);

function addLang(loc, lang) {
    var langs = document.getElementById('langs');
    var langOption = document.createElement("OPTION") 
    langOption.innerText = lang; 
    langOption.value = loc;

function changeLang() {
    var yourSelect = document.getElementById('langs');
    window.plugins.tts.setLanguage(yourSelect.options[yourSelect.selectedIndex].value, win, fail);

function win(result) {

function fail(result) {
    console.log("Error = " + result);

function speak() {
    window.plugins.tts.speak("How are you");

But none of the console log messages are displayed. I am testing this on genymotion emulator.


  • After some struggle i have the TTS working. But there is still one issue i had to manually fix. Following are the steps to get the TTS Working

    Install the plugin like below.

    phonegap plugin add
    phonegap build android

    Once installed and built. Add this plugin to the phonegap config.xml file. ( If you are building the app using sencha touch, the config.xml will be in the root folder. )

    <gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts" value="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts"/>

    This will add the plugin to the final build. Now to start the TTS Service and speak some text, use the following snippet.

    navigator.tts.startup(startupWin, fail);
    function startupWin(result) {
        console.log("Startup win");
        // When result is equal to STARTED we are ready to play
        console.log("Result "+result);
        //TTS.STARTED==2 use this once so is answered
        if (result == 2) {
            navigator.tts.getLanguage(win, fail);
            navigator.tts.speak("The text to speech service is ready");                                     
    function win(result) {
    function fail(result) {
        console.log("Error = " + result);

    The issue i had was the TTS.STARTED in the startupWin is not defined in the plugin. I just used the constant's value and the plugin works perfectly.