I have a file that contains lines as follows:
one one
one one
two two two
one one
three three
one one
three three
I want to remove all occurrences of the duplicate lines from the file and leave only the non-duplicate lines. So, in the example above, the result should be:
two two two
I saw this answer to a similar looking question. I tried to modify the ex one-liner as given below:
:syn clear Repeat | g/^\(.*\)\n\ze\%(.*\n\)*\1$/exe 'syn match Repeat "^' . escape(getline ('.'), '".\^$*[]') . '$"' | d
But it does not remove all occurrences of the duplicate lines, it removes only some occurrences.
How can I do this in vim? or specifically How can I do this with ex in vim?
To clarify, I am not looking for sort u
My PatternsOnText plugin version 1.30 now has a
command. Without any arguments, it'll work as outlined in your question.