Could someone point me in the right direction as to how i would go about writing my own asort and ksort function please?
I'm still new to php...thank you!
Edit: This is what i would like to sort:
$employeeAges = array();
$employeeAges["Lisa"] = "28";
$employeeAges["Jack"] = "16";
$employeeAges["Ryan"] = "35";
$employeeAges["Rachel"] = "46";
$employeeAges["Grace"] = "34";
foreach( $employeeAges as $name => $age){
echo "Name: $name, Age: $age <br />";
I'd want my_sort($employeeAges); to do exactly the same as asort but i have to write the function myself
Edit: This is homework...otherwise i'd simply use the functions, just need a push in the right direction, i dont expect the code. Thanks
I don't know how your homework is specifically worded but if its that you can't use asort
or ksort
then you can do things like ...
function my_sort(&$my_array){
arsort($my_array); // not using asort were using arsort
$my_array = array_reverse($my_array,true);