
Maven exec-maven-plugin and maven-resources-plugin not running, not sure why

I have added a couple of new plugins to a maven pom.xml file.

I have not been able to figure out why exec-maven-plugin and maven-resources-plugin they aren't running when I issue the command: mvn install. The other maven plugins do execute as expected.

When I run mvn exec:exec, exec-maven-plugin does indeed get run.

I have tried using a number of different phases, to no avail.

What am I doing wrong here, and what should I try?

Here is the relevant section of my maven file

    <!-- ... -->


found answer for exec plugin, but not yet for resources plugin.

The exec plugin requires a goal in order to trigger

adding <goals><goal>exec</goal></goals> to each <execution> did the trick for me.


  • If you put your configuration in an <execution/> you need to specify which goals need to run in this execution.

    For plugins that are linked to a phase by default, you can also specify the configuration outside the <executions/> and that configuration will be used during the default phases of that plugin.