
javac fails with symbol not found

Here is my folder structure:

- myGame/
  - bin/
  - src/
     - common/
     - logic/
     - main/
     - messageprotocol/
     - test/
     - util/

I would like to compile which is in util package. However, I get symbol not found errors, I guess javac command is wrong. Also, you should know that has references to other classes within the same project (myGame).

Here is what I do:

cd myGame/
javac -d bin -classpath bin src/util/

Once I'm done with above, I'd do this and it would work (I hope):

cd myGame/bin
java Test

I have read a lot of resources and tried to apply but it didn't work for my folder structure. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Errors I receive are:

myGame/src/util/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Rectangle
location: class util.Test
  private static final Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[someNumber];
myGame/src/util/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Rectangle
location: class util.Test
  private static final Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[someNumber];
myGame/src/util/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable Geometry
location: class util.Test
    System.out.println("Printing " + Geometry.NUMBER);
myGame/src/util/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable Geometry
location: class util.Test
      serverSocket = new Circle(Geometry.NUMBER);
myGame/src/util/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Rectangle
location: class util.Test
            rectangles[i] = new Rectangle(number, rectangles);
5 errors


  • Package structure for your is util.Test so you should do:

    cd myGame/src
    javac -d ../bin -classpath ../bin util/

    and then try running it. hope this helps.