I have a list of characters, e.g. {o, b, c, c, d, o, f}
If a string contains characters that are not in that list, I don't want it to be a match. If a string contains more occurrences of a character than there are occurrences of that character in that list, I don't want it to be a match.
The characters in the string may occur in any order, and all characters don't have to appear. In the above example "foo"
should be a match but not "fooo"
I have for instance narrowed the above example down to (o{0,2}b?c{0,2}d?f?)
, but that doesn't quite work since the order matters in that regex. I get a match for "oof"
but not for "foo"
As gview says, regex is not the right tool. However, if your regex engine supports lookahead, you can use this:
Its a bit long but very simple:
The string is matched with ^[obcdf]+$
(note the use of anchors).
The lookaheads (?=...)
are only checks (followed by):
(?=(?:[^o]*o){0,2}[^o]*$) # no more than 2 o until the end
(?=[^b]*b?[^b]*$) # no more than 1 b until the end
Each subpattern in lookaheads describes the whole string.