I am having problems authenticating to my sql server with roundhouse and Teamcity. Teamcity is running as the local system account, so the cmd shell will open under the local sytem. When I pass in rh.exe -d=DB -s=SQLSERVER -csa=uid=DOMAIN\USER;pwd=PASSWORD ... I get an error that logging in under the local machine name is not a valid login.
I then tried the format listed here RoundhousE - Change login used by scripts scripts , and I get an error about a failed login for the specific user. I know that the password is correct, so I'm confused as to why it would not be working now.
RH.exe version Teamcity version 8
I tried out a workaround on the TeamCity side. By switching my buildAgent to the account that I normally use for deployment, I can successfully authenticate.
The format that I use is rh.exe -d=param -s=param -f=param -vf=param
If you have any other solutions that involve the exact syntax for Roundhouse, I would still greatly appreciate them.