I work with SPIP and a plugin who called tagsphere who works fine with the tags in SPIP. I have a tag groupe where i put only one article for a tag. Now when i click on a tag in tagsphere he send me before to a menu where i can see all articles who are linked with this tag. But i want that he send me directly to the article without to see the tag menu before.
Here the code from the model of thagsphere:
<div id="tagsphere-#ENV{id_article}">
<BOUCLE_mot(MOTS){id_groupe ?}>
<li>[<a href="#URL_MOT">(#TITRE)</a>]</li>
Anybody an idea?
If you want to skip the tag page, you have to link directly to the article. The <B_article>
block prevents display the tag if no article is linked.
<div id="tagsphere-#ENV{id_article}">
<BOUCLE_mot(MOTS){id_groupe ?}>
<a<BOUCLE_article(ARTICLES){id_mot = #ID_MOT}{0, 1}> href="#URL_ARTICLE"</BOUCLE_article>>