I'm implementing multiline Label Figure.
I have a question.
How can i change font size of textflow ?
I tried with the method [textflow.setFont] before I had changed height value of fontdata.
use this code,Font tFont = m_Textflow.getFont();
FontData[] tFontDataList = tFont.getFontData();
m_Textflow.setFont(new Font(null, tFontDataList[0]));
But that didn’t work correctly and made any space on head.
Help me please T^T
See the Font API. You'll find the constructor
Font(String name, int style, int size)
-Creates a new Font from the specified name, style and point size.
So you could do something like
String family = textFlow.getFont().getFamily();
int style = textFlow.getFont().getStyle();
int theNewFontSize = 30;
textFlow.setFont(new Font(family, style, theNewFontSize));