I am struggling with json-parsing in java.
Is there a possibility to generate a representation of a random, not standardised json file in java?
I tried to use gson but I didn't really understood if and how that might be possible.
So the jsonFile could look like this:
"id": "84779jh",
"more":{ "some":"randomdata","absolutly":"noStructure"}
any key-value pairs are possible and the json file can be nested as much and as deep as it wants to. I need to get something like a java object out of it to be able to merge it with another json file. I just need the metadata part, the rest can be ignored.
So anybody any ideas how I could make that work? I would appreciate any helps :)
the json above merged with (this is the parent node, so we keep his id and position and just merge the metadata)
"id": "84ergfujh",
would be:
"color":["blue", "green"],
"id": ["84779jh","84ergfujh]",
"more":{ "some":"randomdata","absolutly":"noStructure","even":"more"}
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
I got my problem solved and i am grateful thank you guys helped me with it. So let me share:
I read the 2 jsons both as a tree (i am using Jackson):
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode parent = mapper.readTree(new File(path));
JsonNode child= mapper.readTree(new File(path));
And the merge logic isn't done yet but the basic concept is:
Iterator<String> pIt = parent.fieldNames();
String tempkey = pIt.next();
if(child.path(tempkey) != null)
merged.put(tempkey,parent.path(tempkey) );
try {
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(merged);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {...}
If you think it is a dumb solution, i am open for other ideas...
But i think it might work for my needs.
greetings and thanks :)