
Sitecore Page editor asp:button Text

In sitecore page editor Mode the text of button is going weird; i am getting this text from sitecore dictionary. Look at the html of input field value in Page editor mode

    value="Sign Up" 

<span class="scChromeData">
{ "commands": 
        { "click": "chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})",
          "header": "Edit the related item",
          "icon": "/temp/IconCache/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png",
          "disabledIcon": "/temp/cubes_blue_disabled16x16.png",
          "isDivider": false,
          "tooltip": "Edit this item in the Content Editor.",
          "type": "common"
        { "click": "chrome:rendering:personalize({command:\"webedit:personalize\"})",
          "header": "Personalize","icon":"/temp/IconCache/PeopleV2/16x16/users3_edit.png",
          "disabledIcon": "/temp/users3_edit_disabled16x16.png",
          "isDivider": false,
          "tooltip": "Personalize component.",
          "type": "sticky"
        { "click": "chrome:rendering:editvariations({command:\"webedit:editvariations\"})",
          "header": "Edit variations",
          "icon": "/temp/IconCache/SoftwareV2/16x16/breakpoints.png",
          "disabledIcon": "/temp/breakpoints_disabled16x16.png",
          "isDivider": false,
          "tooltip": "Edit the variations.",
          "type": "sticky"
<span scFieldType="memo" 
Sign Up

In normal mode input field value is Just "Sign Up".

This is only happening in the combination of button + page editor.

Might be helpful if i give my code which gets dictionary item from sitecore

public static string GetDictionaryItem(string expression)
        string val = String.Empty;
        Item currentItem = Context.Database.GetItem(String.Concat("/sitecore/system/dictionary",expression));
        if (currentItem != null)
            val = FieldRenderer.Render(currentItem, "Phrase");
        return val;

Any suggestions??


  • Well, it does what it's supposed to do...
    You return a FieldRenderer, so if you're in Page Editor mode it will render an editable field instead of just the text.

    If you want just the text in all rendering modes, then change your method to:

    public static string GetDictionaryItem(string expression)
        Item currentItem = Context.Database.GetItem(String.Concat("/sitecore/system/dictionary",expression));
        if (currentItem != null)
            return currentItem["Phrase"] ?? string.Empty;
        return string.Empty;