I'm new in SQR. I need help to write a variable and use it for a condition statement. my pseudo code goes
declare $head_print
let $head_print = (select * from PS_DTR_RPT_ACCT
or TREE_NODE_NUM between 4600000 and 4699999)
if(head_print contain REAL_ESTATE_EXP or Account between 46000000 and 4699999)
then head_print = "REAL ESTATE";
else head_print = "Capital ESTATE";
It's not quite clear what you want so I'm making an assumption. It seems it is if a certain value is in table PS_DTR_RPT_ACCT, then you want it to say "REAL ESTATE" otherwise say "CAPITAL ESTATE"
Now with SQR, you have to put your SQL in a begin-select block - rules are very strict - field names must be in column 1 - code underneath NOT in column 1. In the following routine, I've tried to code your pseudo code in real SQR, however, I could not test it so you may get errors - plus I don't know your field names since it just says "select *".
do GetData
Begin-Procedure GetData
! Initialize value - if no data found, query this later and set it to the "ELSE"
Let $Head_print = ''
! Override the value from the table but only if you need to
Let $Head_Print = 'REAL ESTATE'
or TREE_NODE_NUM between 4600000 and 4699999)
! If $Head_print is blank, then no value was found with the sql - do the ELSE part
If $Head_Print = ''
Let $Head_Print = 'Capital Estate'
SQR is quite a nice finite language to learn - syntax somewhat strict, but simple as Basic with SQL. I do recommend reading the reference manual - it's downloadable from Oracle.
Feel free to ask any other questions about SQR - I get alerts if you do - sorry it took this long to answer