I started to use Boost ICL and I stumbled upon very basic stuff. For example the function contains
should return true or false depending if a given element is in the interval or not. However that works for [right,left]_open_intervals
but not for [open,closed]_inteval
(see example below).
This seems to be too obvious to be an oversight. I am using the library in the intended way?
For example (using gcc 4.8 or clang 3.3 and Boost 1.54):
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp> //needed to make this MWE work, boost icl should include it internally
int main(){
boost::icl::right_open_interval<double> roi(6.,7.);
assert(boost::icl::contains(roi, 6.) == true); //ok
assert(boost::icl::contains(roi, 6.) == false); //ok
boost::icl::closed_interval<double> oi(4.,5.); // or open_interval
assert(boost::icl::contains( oi, 4.) == false); //error: "candidate template ignored"
assert(boost::icl::contains( oi, 5.) == false); //error: "candidate template ignored"
Note: The above are called "static" intervals (because their bound properties are part of the type). Dynamic intervals work as expected.
I would guess it comes down to the relative uselessness of floating point equality testing.
Have you ever tried to do assert(0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3)
Try it. I'll wait.
In case you already know the answer, it'll be clear why a closed interval is not easy to implement correctly. Backgrounders:
Also, if you have two consecutive closed intervals [a,b][b,c]
. in which interval does b