When my structure looks like this:
X: {
Y: "blabla"
So I use the function "bson_iter_find_descendant(&iter, "X.Y", &desc)" to recover my data. But how to retrieve the values of "X.Y", "X.Z"... when my structure looks like this:
X: [
Y: "blihblih"
Z: "bloublou"
Note that I use the latest version of MongoDB-C Driver ...
Thank you in advance!
//MONGOC_VERSION_S "0.92.3" ./configure --with-libbson=bundled
const bson_t *doc;
bson_iter_t iter;
bson_iter_t iter2;
uint32_t length;
mongoc_client_get_collection mongoc_collection_find mongoc_cursor_next
and then
bson_iter_find_descendant(&iter,"X.0.Y",&iter2); // for first
bson_iter_find_descendant(&iter,"X.1.Z",&iter2); // for second array element
for type 2