
Running a perl program under a debugger until some condition is met

I am using perl debugger in Eclipse (via EPIC plugin). Is there any feature to automate the steps until an event occurs. For example can I make it run until $args->{some_arg} is set? If not, what is the best known workaround? This feature or workaround may be similar to debugging some other C-like languages.


  • What I was looking for actually something that follows all the flow and stops whenever that condition is met. But closest thing to this is called conditional breakpoints which works as Leolo mentioned. EPIC actually supports this but some versions is kind'a faulty in some versions. The way to do that is after setting breakpoint somewhere, right-click on it and set condition in Properties dialog. In faulty versions, properties is the third choice in the menu, with no text.

    In faulty versions of EPIC, properties is the third choice in the menu, with no text.