
Scannerless Parser Generators

Prologue: Although the set of languages recognized by parsers (context-free grammars) is strictly larger than the one of scanners (regular grammars), most parser generators need a scanner.

(Please don't try to explain the reasons behind it, I know them quite well).

I've seen parsers, that do not require a scanner like

There are certain advantages of using no scanner:

Often, "workarounds" are used like switching the scanner on the parser's request.

Question: Do you know any other scannerless parser generators (any language)? Are these practical in use (or purely academic)? Are there any other approaches than Tomita/GLR?



  • Two others:

    I'm actually a huge fan of scannerless parsers; they simplify configuration enormously. And typical scanner generators, to put it mildly, are not much fun to use. From the man page for Lex:

    The asteroid to kill this dinosaur is still in orbit.

    Finally, I have no personal experience with Elkhound, but the secondhand reports I hear are impressive. I would say there's no question but that some scannerless parser generators are very practical.