
gluLookAt is optional?

I am new to Open GL / Open GL ES.

I am a Android developer and exploring Open GL myself. Is really very difficult to understand but day by day I am making progress merely because of you peoples :)

Now lets come to my problem.

I downloaded 2 sample, compile and run working. But when I looked in a code I found out of one gluLookAt() is not being used.

My question is, 1) is it optional ? 2) And if its then how we setting the ViewPort(Camera) ?

Please let me know if need more description on it.

Thanks Amit


  • gluLookAt() has always been totally optional. It is just a convenience function which sets up a transformation matrix for a translation (for the camera position) and a rotation (for camera orientation). Also note that gluLookAt() is also totally deprecated and not availbale in modern OpenGL.