
How not to display Cursor in a read only input type text box in Mozilla Firefox

I'm using Mozlla Firefox vesrion 24.01.

I've a text box input field in my form whics is read only. In Mozilla, I could see a cursor blinking inside textbox when pointing to that text box, but in Chrome, it is not.

Is there any way to not to have cursor shown in Mozilla also?

I've searched for it a lot, and have seen some answers regarding this like to put


as inline inside the input field. But, this works in HTML. When I tried with Rails text_field_tag it is not taking the method 'onfocus'. So, either please suggest me a better solution to hide the cursor or tell me how I can achieve it with text_field_tag and onfocus event.

Thanks for any help :)


  • Suggestion from CBroe worked. But, in a Rails way,

    <%= text_field_tag "answer_name",truncate(,:length=>35), :onfocus => "this.blur();", :style=>"cursor:default;", :readonly => true%>

    It worked. Don't forget to put the CSS line 'cursor: default;' will change the pointer to arrow type as by default, a text box will have text-mode pointer (The pointer type that you can see while putting answer in SO through this area).

    This won't work in IE. So, better replace the text_field with div element and make the text_field a hidden field to carry out the operations.