Having a problem storing the selectedSegment of segmented control in the User Defaults. I'm using the Segment Selection binding and doing this to set and call the default:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject: [modeSegController objectValue] forKey: @"selTag"];
[modeSegController setObjectValue: [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey: @"selTag"]];
Not working. Can someone help me out?
Use [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue: [ NSNumber numberWithInteger:[modeSegController selectedSegment] ] forKey: @"selTag"]
To show the selected segement use in the UI [modeSegController setSelected:...] the integer
[modeSegController setSelectedSegment:[ [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey: @"selTag"] integerValue] ]
You needn't use tags to store/restore the selected segment. The segments can be accessed directly.