I have a neat class that is able to mergefields within a Word document based on a Datarow object containing the data I require to turn a Word 2007 docx template into a real Word document with the data embedded inside the Word document, and using OpenXML (forget Interop!). That's working for me. However, I am having a royal pain to get the template loaded into my asp.net (.net2) project in Visual Studio 2005. Everytime I think I've "embedded" the Word document into the project, when I try and access it, I get this exception ...
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: The Template File does not exists.
This error appears from a resource project (compiled in VS2008) DLL file that checks the existance of the file before it continues. I know that's the cause of the problem but why Fileinfo.Exists is always false, when I know the file is there!? The file is in the same server as the project resides, but in a different location to the project.
So the question really should say, why Fileinfo.Exists returns false all the time.
Never the less, I need to store this Word document inside the project itself, so my other need is to know how to embedd a Word document inside my asp.net project to keep it "contained" within the same one solution AND to get Fileinfo to recognise it DOES exist.
Thank you
I found it!
It was simply adding the file to my existing project using Add Existing ...
I then placed the file inside a folder within my project (any folder) and simply referencing it with ...
This generates a full path and filename with extension ready to be used elsewhere in the project.