
Capturing (failed) mklink command output

Does anybody know why the below happens and does anybody have a workaround?

I'm strugging to capture mklink command output (via cmd.exe mklink > out.txt)

Output is sent to out.txt fine if the mklink command is successful

E.G: %comspec% /c mklink /d C:\Test C:\Windows > out.txt && notepad out.txt

However if the command is invalid, or fails, then nothing will be written to out.txt

E.G: Run above command again (fails because C:\Test already exists) or

E.G: %comspec% /c mklink > out.txt && notepad out.txt

I'm using the command in VBScript, does anybody know how to capture the mklink output if the command isn't completed successfully?

Set o_shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set o_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
mklinkCommandOutput = GetCommandOutput("mklink /D ""C:\Test"" ""C:\Windows""")
WScript.echo mklinkCommandOutput

Function GetCommandOutput(runCmd)
  on error resume next
  Dim o_file, tempFile: tempFile = o_shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") & "\tmpcmd.txt"

  ' Run command and write output to temp file
  o_shell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c " & runCmd & " > """ & tempFile & """", 0, 1

  ' Read command output from temp file
  Set o_file = o_fso.OpenTextFile(tempFile, 1)
  GetCommandOutput = o_file.ReadAll

  ' Delete temp file
  Set o_file = o_fso.GetFile(tempFile)
End Function


  • (1) According to Using multiple commands and conditional processing symbols, the symbol && runs the command on the right only if the command on the left succeeds. You must use & to start notepad even when the mlink fails.

    (2) While the mlink docs don't say so explicitly, I assume that mlink writes its error message to Stderr (see here) - just like dir.


    dir 01.vbs
    19.10.2012  11:29             2.588 01.vbs
    (dir succeeded)
    dir nix
    File Not Found
    (dir failed)
    dir nix && echo nothing to see, because lefty failed
    File Not Found
    (dir failed, no output because of &&)
    dir nix & echo much to see, although lefty failed
    File Not Found
    much to see, although lefty failed
    (dir succeeded, echo done because of &)

    (3) To capture the output of mlink (rsp. dir) whether it fails or not and to display the result (file) in notepad, you have to use

    dir 01.vbs 1> out.txt 2>&1 & notepad out.txt
    dir nix 1> out.txt 2>&1 & notepad out.txt

    to redirect Stdout and Stderr to the output file.


    Dos & Notepads