I want to display only the mantissa of a number independently of what the exponent is.
12.4e-6 after formatting => 12.4
12.4e-12 after formatting => 12.4
To do the calculation manually is trivial. But the problem is that I need to use the class DeciamalFormat because I have to give it as argument to another class. I tried this:
DecimalFormat mFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
if I remove the E symbol, the mantissa will not be calculated. is there any way using this DecimalFormat
to show only mantissa
I have found following solution: I override the methods of the NumberFormat class so that I can manipulate how the Double values are transformed into Strings:
public class MantissaFormat extends NumberFormat {
/** Formats the value to a mantissa between [0,100] with two significant decimal places. */
public StringBuffer format(double value, StringBuffer buffer, FieldPosition field) {
String output;
String sign="";
sign = "-";
value = -value;
if(value!=0) {
while(value<1) {
value *= 100;
// value has the mantissa only.
output = sign + String.format( "%.2f", value );
return buffer;
public Number parse(String string, ParsePosition position) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();