I am extracting data from one page. I have to go deeper, of course, but I am still stuck on that first page. This is my code:
from scrapy.contrib.spiders import CrawlSpider
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from street.items import HstreetItem
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "go-h"
allowed_domains = ["http://somedomain.com"]
start_urls = ["http://somedomain.com"]
def parse(self,response):
#response = response.replace(body=response.body.replace('\n', '')) # doesn't work
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
details = hxs.select('//tr')
items = []
#n = 0
for detail in details:
item = HondastreetItem()
item['url'] = "".join(detail.select('td[@class="Model_LineModel_odd"]/a/@href | td[@class="Model_LineModel_even"]/a/@href').extract()).strip()
item['model'] = "".join(detail.select('td[@class="Model_LineModel_odd"]/a/text() | td[@class="Model_LineModel_even"]/a/text()').extract())
item['year'] = "".join(detail.select('td[@class="Model_LineYear_odd"]/text() | td[@class="Model_LineYear_even"]/text()').extract())
return items
The code works fine and it extracts data through my pipeline into a CSV file like it should:
cell 1 | cell2 | cell3
url | model | year
The problem is that I have a lot of empty lines in my csv file. At the beginning 17 lines and then empty lines in between filled lines of my CSV file. I think that a few tables in front of the crawled table and some rows inside the crawled table that I don't need (like category names) are causing this. I am stuck with this last 24 hours :( I have been trying all the solutions that I found via similar questions but nothing worked for me.
Thanks for your help!
I am quite new to Python and landed here trying to understand scrapy.
From what I understand you must be appending empty lines. So you might try to check if 'item' is not empty before the append statement, e.g.,
if not (item['url'] == "" and item['model'] == "" and item['year'] == ""):
Please ignore if I misunderstood the question.